Issues to be addressed:
- Cross border new-born: 30,000 births per year; 35 per cent of these births will leave Hong Kong within the 1st year of birth, 80 to 90 per cent will return to Hong Kong before aged 6
- Mainland new immigrants lack safe childcare knowledge, social support, knowledge about local education system and urgently need to adapt
- Children born to these families often face separation from their parents, social isolation, lack of proper care and poor education
- The mothers of these children are likely to suffer from a lack of societal support as the Social Welfare Department only provides assistance to families holding one-way permits.
Project focus:
helping children suffering from physical, mental abuse and being neglected
- To help new arrival mothers integrate into Hong Kong society
- To build cohesion among cross border families
- To enhance new arrival mothers’ ability in childcare and build a more inclusive society
- To avoid child neglect and abuse by creating a safe and non-violent environment at home and in society for children
- Project officer trains volunteers to support target families
- Volunteers visit homes of cross-border families and provide support in child care and protection knowledge and community resources
- Conduct regular meetings with parents to build networks among these families, share and support each other
- Urge the government to expand this project to mainstream service
- The project reached 465 people
- Among the 50 families, some are single-parent, living on comprehensive social security assistance or with income under HK$10,000. Besides, some parents were diagnosed of depression, had depressive symptoms and experienced family violence
- Nine gatherings and 50 meetings with target families for needs assessment were held. 82 cases were referred for appropriate services such as psychiatric or counselling services for emotional management, or food bank, financial assistance and tutoring services to resolve their tangible needs
- According to questionnaires collected from families, all families were satisfied with the project and said they knew more about Hong Kong welfare and resources. 97.5 per cent said their knowledge on parenting was raised and 95 per cent were more familiarised with places in Hong Kong
No of beneficiaries: 50 families and 50 volunteers